"Don't hurt people and don't take their stuff" - Matt Kibbe


Give me your sandwich

Hat tip to Carl Holzhouser

Only children believe there is a free lunch

Grow up America

Swiss Gun Control

This country really knows how to control guns.

Beautiful Italian students know more about Economics than ugly Nobel Prize winners named Krugman.

This righteously indignant, but fuzzy thinking youth, is incorrectly identified as a young Michael Moore. He is  not that morbidly obese apologist for statism we know today. This kid has an excuse for his incorrect line of thought, he's a college student. College is the place you are supposed to make mistakes and have them corrected.

The actual Michael Moore never learned anything from Friedman back then. He is still a fuzzy thinker today. And that, I think, is being charitable.

If the the themes of history, music, and redemption in this video don't move you, you might be unmovable.

Walter Williams- A national treasure.
"To get a flavor for Walter’s strong principles and blunt opinions, watch this video from Reason TV. I won’t spoil things, but the last couple of minutes are quite sobering." - Dan Mitchell

Liberty and Virtue

Think "buy American" is a good idea? Um-mm, not so much.

Personal Accounts can save Social Security

Why Keynes was wrong.

Milton Friedman - A national treasure.