"Don't hurt people and don't take their stuff" - Matt Kibbe


Covington High and News Media Low

Photo credit Chicago Tribune
By Grant Davies
It's time to put this "fake news" story to rest. It's had it's 15 minutes of over exposure. But in my mind, the real story behind this story is about the rate of the crumbling trust of the American media. And it is not going to slow down even when this particular story fades.

The era we live in, with the forty eight hour life span of even important stories, cannot hide the real story of the quickening demise of trust in the "news" media. (I remember when "news" wasn't between quotation marks)

Unfortunately, good journalism becomes the baby that goes down the drain with the bath water. And I'm not sure how to stop that from happening.

I'll let Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass have the last word on this subject. His remarks here are worthy of consideration and should be used as an example of why we should be careful that the baby is not swirling the same drain with those who only pretend to be journalists.

I hate to say it John, but you might be in that unlucky company of soldiers fighting the delaying battle in a losing war as the news media retreats into irrelevance. You're fighting the good fight. I wish you god speed.

John's column can be read here, and you should read it.


You Have the Right to Learn About Rights

Editors Note:

In the past I have been asked to expand on the concept of rights. The following article is excellent in its brevity and clarity in a way I would be unable to improve upon. The links at the conclusion of the article are portals to further exploration of the topic.

Since I have not secured the permission to republish it here in it's entirety I have linked to it. I apologize for the inconvenience. 

 "Despite the centrality of rights in American history, it’s readily apparent today that Americans are of widely different views on what a right is, how many we have, where rights come from, or why we have any in the first place." - Lawrence W Reed

Image credit: Flickr-Ted Mielczarek | CC BY 2.0 

That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety." George Mason, in the Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776)

“Rights” are in the news these days perhaps as much as they were in George Mason’s time. As a score of politicians prepares to announce their 2020 campaigns for President of the United States, we can expect “rights” to be in the news every day, as they are promised to us one after another. “You have a right” to this or that and “If elected, I’ll make sure you get it” will soon be monotonous refrains.
Please read the rest here.