"Don't hurt people and don't take their stuff" - Matt Kibbe


Hopium Revisited


As it turns out, the Biden presidency is cause for hope after all. What am I hoping for? I'm hoping for GOP support for the new impeachment trial of former President Trump. 

The idea that Mitch McConnell and other Republican senators may support the removal from office of a president who is no longer in office is a welcome prospect.

You might ask why. It's simple. 

Hopefully it will cause the effective end of the GOP. With any luck a large and important portion of the current GOP will leave that party and become independents, or even start a new political party. So, Mitch, GO FOR IT! Please.

The GOP has proved to be useless in opposing the advance of socialism and fascism. It is also useless in defending the rights of the people. And politically it is a dismal failure at its only real task. Namely, to get people elected. It couldn't even reelect its incumbent presidential candidate when running against a senile old man who never left his basement and could not speak coherently without reading prepared propaganda on a teleprompter. Even his voters knew that he wasn't up to actually making decisions and governing.

Ex-President Trump is gone, politically speaking. He will never rise again, in my opinion. So I'm not anticipating a new "personality cult" political party of his design to become a reality.

I’m guessing this hope won’t play well with friends of mine who are Republicans or Trump supporters. It won't play well with those who think the Republicans are the opposite of Democrats. It won't play well with "never Trumpers." It won't play well with Pelosi haters. It certainly won't play well with Democrats who would no longer have a foil to work against in their successful efforts to keep Americans divided. And very few will agree with this next hope.

I think that if the GOP ends as a potent political party it will certainly cause the end of the Democrat Party shortly thereafter. That party is so far left now that there is no room for other opinions or aspirations among those who have supported them for generations. They have been canceled too. If there is only one party left, it will soon split into two, at least. It's already dissolving into chaos. Its leadership is unhinged and even Democrats know it.
Disaffected Democrats of the rational type will leave in droves just as quickly as disaffected Republicans will leave the scene of the GOP crash. If we are lucky enough to be pulled from the wreckage of the “two party”system we may save the country and freedom after all. At least I hope so.

All this hope has made me tired. Reading it has probably had the same effect on you.

Grant Davies - January 2021

1 comment:

Jim M. said...

Smoking the good stuff might get us through the next four years