"Don't hurt people and don't take their stuff" - Matt Kibbe


The American People Need A Waiver, It's Only Fair

Shortly after Americans waived goodbye to their right to make their own health-care choices they waived goodbye to scores of congressmen and women who voted to take those rights away from them and give them to government instead. Sixty- three net seats in the Parliament of Whores were switched to the party that voted against Obamacare. A goodly number were switched in the Senate as well.

Perish the thought that Republicans might become confused by the switch and become deluded into thinking people are pining for the "good ole days" when George W. Bush was throwing capitalism under the bus. I'm guessing people weren't enamored of the "compassionate conservatism" which preceded it either. But then I've always been an optimist when it comes to the legion of Rip Van Winkles awakening at last, so I might be wrong about that part.

Since that electoral cleansing is only partially finished, with repudiation 2.0 not scheduled out of beta release for two more years, some have been groping for a way to prevent the destruction of the whole health insurance industry before it's too late.

And the inspiration for a possible solution recently came to me from an odd place. It's the Obama administration's HHS department (not usually a very inspiring place) where they had already admitted that the whole scheme won't work by telling over two hundred unions, large corporations and other FOOs (friends of Obama) that they could have a waiver.

Of course the first exemption they gave was to themselves, as usual. But the major leak of "non-requirees" turned into a flash flood in the last few weeks when it was learned that another five hundred plus FOOs were added to the list of organizations who were allowed to opt out. When 773 different organizations and over two million people are exempted from a law it's fair to make the case that the law should have never been made. If it's such a good law why isn't it good enough for everyone? (Including congressmen and other political opt-outers.)

The "progressive" movement is about nothing if it's not about "fairness." So just as it was when we were kids and were taught that the rules were for everyone, most Americans don't see much fairness now that it's clear that only some of us will be forced into this nightmare of lost rights and future lost loved ones.

So it's my recommendation that we all line up outside the office of HHS Czar Kathleen Sebelius and demand our waiver, too. All 311,987,238 of us (minus the two million already waived) should ask her why she is pro-choice on abortion but no-choice on all other "health-care" decisions.

If we all get waived, maybe we can wave goodbye to the biggest government power grab in this nation's history without wasting two more years while the clock ticks off the last moments before a total repudiation occurs.


Sara said...

"ask her why she is pro-choice on abortion but no-choice on all other "health-care" decisions."

Oh SNAP! I love it. I agree.

Anonymous said...

Leftists, Marxists, Progressives, Democrats, Bureaucrats, County Workers Oh My....
Leftists, Marxists, Progressives, Democrats, Bureaucrats, County Workers Oh My....
Leftists, Marxists, Progressives, Democrats, Bureaucrats, County Workers Oh My....

wasn't that the song I heard in Grant Park in January of '09?

Conservatives On Fire said...

Well said, Grant. Do think our liberal leaders know about the principle of gooses and ganders?

Grant Davies said...

If they do, they don't seem to care.