Only a short time ago it would have been hard to imagine that an interesting topic for a blog article would be about a Presidential aspirant who has a rather unsightly cat sitting on his head.
But in the crazy political environment of the last ten years when the electorate decided to hire a "conservative" liberal named George Bush and a "hope for change" socialist community organizer named Barack Obama, who could blame a self promoting egotistical slickster with a TV show from pondering the possibility of throwing his cat into the ring?
Particularly Republicans, who have the world record for selecting dead bang losers for their Presidential candidates. It's not totally out of the question that they will follow up their success on that distinction by choosing someone with name recognition but nothing else. Donald Trump may fit the bill perfectly.
Donald Duck also has the "bill" and the name recognition, but not enough credibility with his uncle Scrooge to finance a credible campaign. Since both are cartoon characters, it might be the only meaningful difference.
But only one of them can actually answer questions about his positions on issues, so let's see if we can ask a few questions that the "journalists" seem to have forgotten while spending most of their time trying to create the carnival atmosphere required to re-elect their favorite big government barker. It's time well spent creating that atmosphere though because if people actually have to focus on job performance, broken promises, failed stimulus plans and rejected (but enacted) healthcare schemes, their hero is the next Jimmah Carter.
The "Donald" (as the creepy Trump likes to be called) is just the vehicle for such a scheme and if I was a conspiracy theorist as the Donald is pretending to be, I'd say he struck a deal with the White House cabal to distract the limited attention of many of the likely voters in the 2012 election. But I'm not, so I won't.
The game is simple, we ask easy questions about Trump's fundamental beliefs and track record and then determine the score by counting the number of times the mainline media doesn't do the same. As you might have guessed, there is no winner.
So here are a few, just to start the game:
1. Mr. Trump, other than President Obama's birth certificate (or lack thereof), please tell us what your main issue is for the campaign. Then tell us specifically what you intend to do about it and how you plan to get the congress and the American people to agree with you. So far there has been no word on the issue much less the solution.
2. Give us your views on the US Constitution. It's relevance, what it allows the federal government to do and please be specific as your interpretation of each item in the bill of rights. It should only take a few moments away from firing apprentices on your "reality" show.
3. How would you approach the budget issues? Short and long term please.
4. Is there a debt crisis looming? And if so, what do you propose?
5. Tell us about the level of taxation and the current system for raising revenues.
6. Tell us specifically how you would be different from the last few Presidents in dealing with foreign affairs, like an atomic Iran, and the ever increasing militarization of China?
7. Can you tell us about your plans to prosecute the three wars we are now engaged in?
8. How will you deal with the illegal immigration issue?
9. Is there an inflation problem of unimaginable significance on the horizon, and if so, what do you propose?
10. You said in an interview a few days back that we should seize the oil fields of Iraq and Libya. Why did you say that?
Bonus question. Do you think that anyone really believes you are a small government Tea Partier?
Finally the question that really has me puzzled. It's to the debatable number of people who have answered "yes" to the poll question about whether they would vote for you or not.
Have you lost your minds? Or are you just planning to vote for "anyone but Obama?"
In either case, as your man Trump says, You're Fired.
I think "The Donald" would not be a good President but I doubt that he could be worse than Obama. I think there is a huge % of people who will vote for anyone but Obama
I agree on both counts.
Having said that, we always get the politicians we deserve. An uninformed and distracted electorate willing to settle for anyone but the "other" guy will rarely get anyone or anything they truly desire.
Since I desire the return of my rights and freedom, I am unwilling to settle for the lesser of two evils anymore.
As it has been said, "The lesser of two evils is still evil."
There are already enough clowns in the cicus we call government. We don't need another one.
Great post, Grant. I grabbed it for Left Coast Rebel.
Well, I think I'm one of those at the point of "Anyone but Obama," so long as it's not a Democrat.
Trump's judgement is not admirable, and he clearly does not understand Islam, for all his strong talk, or he would have never called Bush "sooo evil." He didn't have to like Bush, but had he understood Islam and what Bush was facing, the 'evil' moniker would not have been directed toward Bush.
Trump is an elitist Democrat. Nevertheless, I do appreciate his tough talk, and his b/c talk. Somebody's got to do it. I don't think he'll get anywhere with this, other than publicity, but I pray he won't run as an Independent.
I do think, however, if he did run as an Independent, voters will be way over him by that time. He has too much baggage.
The voters just need someone to speak boldly. I hope other candidates begin to understand and do some of this on their own. Talk about China, and the debt and the possibilities. America needs it.
Well Maggie, I hope it doesn't come down to choice between Obama or "anyone else."
In my mind, very few of the people being considered so far will do anything like what actually needs to be done to pull us from the wreckage of the last few years.
Certainly none of the early "front runners" like Huckabee or Romney or Palin.
We need to close the circus, not just hire different clowns.
Honestly, I wish Rand Paul would run. He has the right plans and he could actually win.
It is apparent that the "dumbing" down of America has been going on for quite some time, ob got his votes (the majority of them) form those who have no clue whatsoever on who this guy really is. The voice of America must not stay slient any longer, our jobs are gone, ob "kowtows" to all other nations and leaders, he is not an American at all. The "pc" environment that exsists today has crippled our chances of any real recovery, and ob wants it this way, to control the masses, to place them where he wants them to be, wake up already America, ob is out to destroy us.
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