"Don't hurt people and don't take their stuff" - Matt Kibbe


Rational Politics and Wild Predictions

By Grant Davies

Time to make a quick detour from the current national conversation for the sake of our sanity and just perhaps have a little fun while we are at it. So let's talk about irrationality on something other than the virus for a post or two.

Even though I usually try to refrain from writing about politics, (preferring to bloviate about fundamental ideas and concepts instead) I must admit that the lack of sports, normal human interactions, or other normal distractions, has out of boredom, led me to make wild predictions about politics recently.

For instance you might recall that I predicted quite a while back, right after Super Tuesday, that Joe Biden would not be the Democratic nominee for the Presidency in 2020. I'm notoriously bad at these predictions but I'm sticking to that one until it proves to be incorrect. Other scenarios obviously exist.

It's irrational for the Dems to nominate Biden as he slips ever more rapidly into senility. Don't get me wrong, I truly feel badly for him and anyone who suffers from this horrible affliction. It may affect me too at some point. Some may even argue that it already has, but I digress.

What I consider to be irrational decisions and policy prescriptions by Democrats seem quite rational to them and therefore they continue to make them. With some success, I might add. Rationality, at least my definition of it, does not seem to affect what they do, so I'll assume they will continue be irrational on most things over the long term. Here's the setup:

Having disposed of Crazy Bernie the Socialist, (but not his policies) they now have to get rid of Crazy Joe in favor of someone who is also crazy but doesn't mutter incoherently all the time.

So, prediction time. 

Who will they replace Joe with? You can round up all the usual suspects, list them, and make a decent case for most of them. But I'm going with the long shot since no one expects me to be right anyway.

I think the odds are that they will make a rational decision just because the laws of probability predict that it has to happen sooner or later.

Therefore, they will choose Michelle Obama. 

They get a far left authoritarian again, who happens to be a woman, black, and coincidentally married to the political messiah that caused them to have their legs quiver in 2012. She apparently spent most of her time for the eight years of his presidency telling Barack what to do and say so she knows the ropes well. Certainly she is more qualified than her husband was at the time he was elected so there's that too. 

So there you have my new wild political prediction. When she is nominated as a last minute replacement for the seriously ill Joe Biden and the media begins to have political orgasms over her candidacy, remember that I was the one who predicted it. If it doesn't happen, you will just chalk it up to me being as wrong, and possibly senile, as I usually am.


Anonymous said...

I fear that you might be right on this one. I was thinking that she might be his number two on the ballot, and then something would happen to Joe shortly after the Dems pushed him through, but that might happen after his official nomination and she would then be drafted into the spot. Scary stuff. Take care and be safe.

Grant Davies said...

Nothing scares me anymore. I'm numb/