Writing click bait titles to blog posts is a form of entertainment for me. I'm not very good at it. But I'm easily amused, so I do it.
The above title can be used to get people to read this stuff because everyone either agrees, disagrees, or wouldn't read anything here no matter what. That just about covers all the blogging bases.
This essay can go in a lot of different directions. Readers have probably formed an opinion about what it was going to say in the single second it took to read the title. Almost everyone will be wrong. Get used to it. I got used to being wrong all the time. You can too.
So where is this going? It's heading toward the preposterous election system that the country has morphed into. It used to be that we had a bad system. But at least we were used to it. Now the details change so often and are so convoluted that no one knows what the hell is going on. One new wrinkle is mailing out millions of ballots to people who didn't ask for them. What could possibly go wrong?
A lot of people have no confidence that an election will succeed in its fundamental purpose. So let's get back to fundamentals.
Most people (except power seekers) were hopeful that the process would yield good choices. They hoped for open access for voters and candidates alike. They hoped for fair and honest elections. They wanted a simple system where the results were certain and the peaceful transfer of power was a sure thing.
It may be that we never had those things. But most were satisfied that it was close enough. Today we certainly do not have those things.
As an aside, if there wasn't so much un-needed power being passed out it would hardly matter who won the elections. But that is a topic for a different day.
Here is what the system has morphed into instead.
A constant battle and changing rules about:
- Who is allowed on the ballot.
- Who is allowed to vote. Citizen or non citizen? Resident or non resident? Adults or children?
- When the vote should be taken. On one day or over a rather long period of time?
- When shall the votes be counted?
- How the vote will be cast. In person or by mail?
- How a state will cast its electoral votes.
- How campaigns will be paid for.
- Who determines access to the debates.
- Whether people have to prove they are entitled to vote.
- Who can donate to a campaign and how much.
Depending on the answers to those questions, elections can matter or not. But those are not the only reasons elections may not matter. Some folks, like me, never have a real chance to be counted. That's because no candidates, except the "approved" ones, are given a real chance to be elected.
The biggest problems are not being addressed. And they never will be by the ruling party. Yes, there is a ruling party. It has two wings but it's the same building. That party will not allow it to change. No party gives up power willingly.
What should we consider in order to get back to the fundamentals mentioned above? I thought you'd never ask. Actually, you never did ask. But I'll pretend you have been waiting breathlessly for that opinion.
So, do elections matter? I think some do. But only if they are conducted after the problems are corrected.
I have some ideas and you probably do as well. Unless, of course, you like the current system.
Fundamental things I think must change.
- It should be easier to get on the ballot
- There should be conclusive evidence that someone qualifies to vote. If it's too much trouble for someone to prove they are qualified, they don't vote. It's their choice.
- The governments only role should be to insure a fair count and prevent fraud.
- No laws or regulations that favor any system or political party should be made.
- No "matching funds" should be provided.
- The government should not pay for any primary elections.
If parties want to select their candidates by public votes they should pay for it themselves. If they want to light up cigars in smoky back rooms and pick someone for their party to run for office, it could hardly be worse.
It goes without being said that gerrymandering has disenfranchised more people than any other single gimmick that has been perpetrated on the electorate. Additionally, I think "ranked choice" elections like the ones that are catching on in some states (Maine is one) should be debated and expanded.
You may have other ideas. We have a comment section on this blog. Feel free to use it.
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